Available courses

AI ethics are the set of guiding principles to ensure artificial intelligence technology is developed and used responsibly. This means taking a safe, secure, humane, and environmentally friendly approach to AI

Design and Analysis of Algorithms is a fundamental aspect of computer science that involves creating efficient solutions to computational problems and evaluating their performance. DSA focuses on designing algorithms that effectively address specific challenges and analyzing their efficiency in terms of time and space complexity.

1. To impart knowledge to plan and execute a detail site investigation programme, to select geotechnical design parameters and type of foundations. Also to familiarize the students for the geotechnical design of different type of foundations and retaining walls

Sample content regarding Moodle workshop

Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a widely used open-source learning management system (LMS) designed to provide educators, administrators, and learners with a single robust, secure, and integrated system to create personalized learning environments.

The main learning objective of this course is to provide hands on training to the students in:

  • Wiring various electrical joints in common household electrical wire work.
  • Soldering and testing simple electronic circuits; Assembling and testing simple electronic components on PCB.


    To understand Software Engineering Life cycle Models

    To Perform software requirements analysis

    To gain knowledge of the System Analysis and Design concepts using UML.

    To understand software testing and maintenance approaches

    To work on project management scheduling using DevOps

• To understand foundations of computation including automata theory
• To construct models of regular expressions and languages.
• To design context free grammar and push down automata
• To understand Turing machines and their capability
• To understand Undecidability and NP class problems

The word Algorithm means ” A set of finite rules or instructions to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations 
” A procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a finite number of steps that frequently involves recursive operations”.

To learn the fundamentals of data models, relational algebra and SQL
 To represent a database system using ER diagrams and to learn normalization techniques
 To understand the fundamental concepts of transaction, concurrency and recovery
 To understand the internal storage structures using different file and indexing techniques
which will help in physical DB design
 To have an introductory knowledge about the Distributed databases, NOSQL and database

dsp for third year eee students

You would be curious to know how EV integrated with Grid

To understand the working of special machines like stepper motor, switched reluctance motor, BLDC motor & PMSM To derive torque equation and study the characteristics of special machines To design the controller for special machines To study the working principle of synchronous reluctance motor To simulate closed loop operation of BLDC motor


 To impart knowledge about the configuration of the electrical power systems.
 To study the line parameters and interference with neighboring circuits.
 To understand the mechanical design and performance analysis of transmission lines.
 To learn about different insulators and underground cables.
 To understand and analyze the distribution system

Engineering Graphics is the set of graphic communication techniques used to convey the ideas, designs, concepts and information using proper standards.

Engineering Graphics is the set of graphic communication techniques used to convey the ideas, designs, concepts and information using proper standards. 

This course has been created to include question for CCAT test on Problem Solving and Python Programming

CCAT Test - 1 for II ECE A & B (2023-27 batch)

Digital image processing is the use of a digital computer to process digital images through an algorithm. As a subcategory or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing has many advantages over analog image processing.

A control system is a set of mechanical or electronic devices that regulates other devices or systems by way of control loops. Typically, control systems are computerized. Control systems are a central part of production and distribution in many industries.

A control system manages, commands, directs, or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems using control loops.


Understand the basics of problem solving through algorithmic thinking using Python. 

This course aims to provide a broad understanding about the modern values and ethical principles that have evolved and are enshrined in the Constitution of India with regard to the democratic, secular and scientific aspects. The course is designed for undergraduate students so that they could study, understand and apply these values in their day to day life.

1 To classify non-traditional machining processes and describe mechanical energy based non-traditional machining processes.
2 To differentiate chemical and electro chemical energy-based processes.
3 To describe thermo-electric energy-based processes
4 To explain Nano finishing processes.
5 To introduce hybrid non-traditional machining processes and differentiate hybrid non-traditional machining processes

  • To introduce the basic notions of vector spaces which will then be used to solve related problems.
  • To understand the concepts of vector space, linear transformations , inner product spaces and orthogonalization..
  • To provide necessary basic concepts in probability and random processes for applications such as random signals, linear systems in communication engineering.
  • To provide necessary basics in probability that are relevant in applications such as random signals, linear systems in communication engineering.
  • To understand the basic concepts of probability, one and two dimensional random
  • variables and to introduce some standard distributions applicable to engineering which can describe real life phenomenon

Integral Calculus is the branch of calculus where we study integrals and their properties. Integration is an essential concept which is the inverse process of differentiation. Both the integral and differential calculus are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. In this article, you will learn what is integral calculus, why it is used, its types, formulas, examples, and applications of integral calculus in detail.

  •     To provide knowledge and understanding of numerical, statistical methods.  To acquaint the knowledge of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples which plays an important role in real life problems. 
  •  To introduce the basic concepts of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
  •  To introduce the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and numerical techniques of differentiation and integration which plays an important role in engineering and technology disciplines.
  • To acquaint the knowledge of various techniques and methods of solving ordinary differential equations
  1.  To provide knowledge and understanding of numerical, statistical methods.
  2.  To acquaint the knowledge of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples which plays an important role in real life problems.
  3. To introduce the basic concepts of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
  4. To introduce the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and numerical techniques of differentiation and integration which plays an important role in engineering and technology disciplines.
  5. To acquaint the knowledge of various techniques and methods of solving ordinary differential equations

This course aims at providing the required skill

To apply the statistical tools in engineering

To introduce the basic concepts of probability and random variables.
To introduce the basic concepts of two dimensional random variables.
To acquaint the knowledge of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples which plays an important role in real life problems.
To introduce the basic concepts of classifications of design of experiments which plays very important roles in the field of agriculture and statistical quality control.

  • This course aims at providing the necessary basic concepts of a few statistical and numerical methods and give procedures for solving numerically different kinds of problems occurring in engineering and technology.
  • To acquaint the knowledge of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples which plays an important role in real life problems.
  • To introduce the basic concepts of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
  • To introduce the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and numerical techniques of differentiation and integration which plays an important role in engineering and technology disciplines.
  • To acquaint the knowledge of various techniques and methods of solving ordinary differential equations.